In appreciation of creators


Over the past few months I’ve been hooked on creative writing. I’ve published a few short stories, have a few more in varying stages of done-ness, and still more that I can’t wait to get started on. But this post isn’t about my writing, it’s about an epiphany I had about authors, or more generally, anyone who produces creative work. Especially those that put their work out for free, or next to free.

This post is in appreciation of those people.

You know the ones I’m talking about. Those who publish fanfiction, the ones who write smut, who produce videos, who make art, who play music, who record podcasts, and who engages in a hundred other different creative endeavors.

We consume so much media, yet don’t think twice about how much time and effort went into producing it. For years, I’ve read stories that other authors have published for free. It took becoming an author myself to realize how much time and effort goes into writing a story. Hours and hours to write, that a reader will consume in a fraction of the time.

I estimate that between the outlining, research, writing, revisions, and more revisions, it takes me about an hour to finish 400 words. My most recent 5,000 word story probably took about 15 hours to create. For a story that will be read in 20 minutes.

And yet… I still do it.

One of the main reasons that drives me, beyond the fact that I enjoy writing, are the positive affirmations from my readers. I love how each of my stories have been read by several hundred, if not thousands of people. I appreciate every rating I get, every comment, every follow, and every time someone likes it enough to put it in their favorites list. It makes all the hours I spend worth it.

My favorite comment thus far is simply:

I want more!!!

The enthusiasm from this anonymous reader about my work brings me joy.

One comment stuck with me, posted by another author on their own work:

[…] Please. I write, I post stories here, I love comments. They’re my reward.

I think this encapsulates my own feelings towards the craft. Those little bits of reader engagement make it all worthwhile.

And so I lead into the point of this post. The next time you consume a bit of content from your favorite creator, consider leaving a short note to show your appreciation. It absolutely makes their day.